At Qcify we’ve been itching to give you a sneak peek of our newest machine. We’ve had a bit of a change of plans though, since the big launch event we planned for late June was canceled for obvious reasons. No problem: we’re just going to hit the road virtually to show all our existing customers all the ins and outs. We’re not big fans of the webinar: we want to make it more personal than that. So we’re looking forward to sitting down with you one on one (remotely) to get your feedback!

A story of continuous improvement

From day one, Qcify has always strived to improve our sector and our product. That’s why we regularly re-calibrate our machines for existing customers, and also constantly innovate our hardware and software. We can’t wait to introduce our customers to our newest innovation: the brand new QcifEye! Our point of departure for this machine was, how can we bring out tools that generate actionable data for our sector? As I mentioned in a previous blog, data can be used not only to analyze quality, but also to improve processes. So we’re going to release an in-line machine that collects data, complementing our previous quality control machine.

We’ve built a great machine, but we’re not done yet. This is when we get to work to gather and implement feedback before the official launch later this year. You can put the best tech on the market, but if there’s no added value for your target audience, it’s not going to sell. That’s why we’re big on investing in R&D and constant improvement, keeping the sales approach simple, instead of the other way around. The typical way of doing things is, put your product on the market and tell your sales people to do their thing, which they do over a 6-9 month cycle. We go about it a little differently. You certainly won’t see any wham bam brochure dropping around here. Instead, we take a lot of time to introduce our customers and prospects to our product in detail and answer all their questions. It’s an approach that works: every time we give a demo and people ask for a quote, 80 to 85% end up making the purchase.

Building on customer feedback

Since the new machine was created for the customer, we also want to present it in a way that benefits the customer the most. So during the whole week of June 22 we’re going to go on a virtual tour to give one-on-one demos to our existing customers. We’ll be reaching out to all our customers this week to book one-hour introduction sessions with them. Makes sense that they would get first dibs: they’re the ones who got us where we are today. We can’t wait to show them everything they need to know about the machine and its technology. Our team will give them a short demo and answer any questions they may have.

It’s important to display the machine and what it can do, based on two use cases where we think it adds immediate value. Using video, we’ll guide customers through the process of using the new technology and new data optimally. We’ll explain how we ensure that by implementing this technology, they can get a return on their investment within a year. The most important thing isn’t to show the technology, but to show the value that comes from it: that people understand how and why they’re benefiting from it.

Assuming that social distancing will be behind us this fall, we’ll be happy to go to our customers for live demos from September to November. Once our existing customers have had the chance to check it out, we’ll introduce the Qcifeye to the general public at the Almond Conference in December.

Why we’re doing one-on-ones

We were supposed to present the QcifEye at an event in San Francisco, but the pandemic had other plans for us. Still, we didn’t want to postpone or put off introducing our new machine. That’s why we’re shifting gears and going for a one-on-one strategy. Webinars don’t work for us, because our vision for everything we do is to provide a solution for our customers. We can only do that by having very targeted conversations with them. For us this is obvious, and we think that every company these days should take a customer-centric approach.

Of course we’ve already put in a lot of time talking to our existing customers about the problems they face. Discussing their issues and struggles is part of our day-to-day. It’s always the starting point of our development of new technology, followed by a second round of in-depth conversations with customers. Once we’ve built the physical machine, we follow up with a third round: these one-on-ones. It’s the moment to answer very specific questions so that we can really fine-tune the machine and build a targeted solution.

Ready to go full force to level up your quality control? Get in touch with us here.

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